The world is witnessing a demographic transformation: our population is ageing, a result of declining birth rates combined with an increased life expectancy. This transition, although challenging, opens vast opportunities for numerous industries, especially technology-driven startups catering to the ageing populace. What sectors can these startups venture into amidst an ageing society?
1. Healthcare
As per the World Health Organisation (WHO), the number of people aged 60 years or older will rise to 2 billion by 20501. Aging is accompanied by health challenges. Innovators focusing on novel healthcare solutions like smart medical devices, assistive technologies, and home healthcare apps can make a substantial impact. Notably, the risk of conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s increases with age. The Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI) estimates that someone in the world develops dementia every 3 seconds2. Startups addressing these issues or focusing on fall-prevention techniques have a vast market to serve.

2. Elderly Care Services
With The AARP reporting that 90% of people aged 65 and over wanting to stay in their current home as they age3, technology that facilitates this – like smart homes and wearable health monitors – can greatly enrich elderly care standards.
3. Financial and Retirement Planning
The Pew Research Center highlights that older generations are increasingly getting tech-savvy, with 67% of seniors using the internet4. FinTech startups crafting digital solutions can redefine financial management for this demographic.
4. Leisure and Recreation

A study by Age UK suggests that participation in leisure activities can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s by 38%5. Startups offering digital tools, travel services, and senior-centric social networks can cater to this leisure-centric demand.
5. Aging-in-Place Solutions
The National Institute on Aging emphasises the importance of home and community-based services, allowing seniors to live independently in their homes6. Startups offering home-based aging solutions can be pivotal.
6. Education and Skill Development
The American Council on Education states that the number of older students in colleges will rise substantially by 20207. Startups offering online courses and programs tailored to the elderly can tap into this market.
7. Intergenerational Connectivity
As Generations United reports, intergenerational programs can improve academic performance, social skills, and health outcomes8. Startups focusing on such platforms can foster stronger community bonds.

The trend towards ageing societies isn't just a challenge but an avenue of opportunities for forward-thinking startups. SWG Capital has been involved in start ups in a number of these areas and is always happy to discuss your strategic and capital needs.